Discussion topic: Netflix: Red Spinning Circle on Launch

This message was authored by steve+bendell This message was authored by: steve+bendell

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

I have it back now after refreshing the apps in the hidden menue,  but it takes time to take effect usually overnight.


Just out of interest has anyone got any help from Sky,  I get fed up with waiting on the phone,  Sky should be monitoring this and acting on it.   They use this to stop us calling them, absolving their respposibility.

This message was authored by MarkJ22 This message was authored by: MarkJ22

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

I've not bothered calling them? I'm not sure what they can do as it's A software issue and the call centre people are not teccies!!!


I was told by a very aggressive mod on here that Sky do monitor this forum so lets hope the do

This message was authored by Colin0000 This message was authored by: Colin0000

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

@steve+bendell wrote:

I have it back now after refreshing the apps in the hidden menue,  but it takes time to take effect usually overnight.


Just out of interest has anyone got any help from Sky,  I get fed up with waiting on the phone,  Sky should be monitoring this and acting on it.   They use this to stop us calling them, absolving their respposibility.

One of the Sky employees on here asked for some details from the box which she passed on to the techies, I have no idea if that was what helped but a while later and I've not had to reboot for a few weeks now.

Sky Q 2GB 32B106 - HDMI to TV, hard wired to router with WiFi disabled on the Q box
VM 256Mpbs
VM HUB 3 router
Samsung S95C 55"
This message was authored by Ilya+Joaquin+Marc This message was authored by: Ilya+Joaquin+Marc

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

Perhaps the employee could pass on all our concerns. Appears this is a very common problem. I've given up using the Sky app. Using the Amazon Fire Stick to access Netflix. No issues with Prime or Apple TV. 

This message was authored by jackjag89 This message was authored by: jackjag89

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

I'm having the same issues as everyone else. Netflix load screen just spins round and round. So annoying! Tried all the suggestions on here too and doesn't seem to do anything 

This message was authored by LSRahman This message was authored by: LSRahman

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

I am getting so fed up with this now coz I have been having this problem continuously since I had fiber broadband put in July everyweek it happens & nothing seems to work. It's not netflix as I can watch it on my smart TV and on my phone but only problem is on the sky q box.

I have phoned sky so many times & thinking about making an official complain to have this sorted out. 

This message was authored by Ilya+Joaquin+Marc This message was authored by: Ilya+Joaquin+Marc

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

If only Sky bothered to read these comments and act upon them. 

This message was authored by Dimpledee This message was authored by: Dimpledee

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

I'm having this same issue, it just will not load. Yes I've done all of the past suggestions, so now what? 

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

I'm having the same problem with netflix loading on my sky q box as everyone else. Just rebooted but that made no difference, I'm in the middle of refreshing the apps, so far no difference, have tried the two button press thing, also no good. Come on Sky this is ridiculous get your finger out and fix this!


This message was authored by Colin0000 This message was authored by: Colin0000

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

I'd love to know what, if anything, Sky did to mine then because it's still fine since I passed on some details from the App.

Sky Q 2GB 32B106 - HDMI to TV, hard wired to router with WiFi disabled on the Q box
VM 256Mpbs
VM HUB 3 router
Samsung S95C 55"
This message was authored by asdfghasdfgh This message was authored by: asdfghasdfgh

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

Okay, long post...

A probably somewhat reliable (but slow) solution

Open the Netflix App, wait 10-20 seconds to see if it loads. If not, close the app. Open any app other than Netflix. Close that app. Open Netflix again. Repeat maybe a dozen times, until it works.

What's the problem? (mostly guesswork here)

The Netflix app is really two systems: the "client" on your actual box communicating with Netflix's server. Since the problem seems to have appeared on all kinds of user-side machines without being tracable to a particular update, it is very likely that the change happened on Netflix's end. The problem also only appears while starting the app, so it's likely related to the login process. At least for me, the problem appeared around the time Netflix announced that they would crack down on multi-household accounts. It's possible that they are doing that by adding another step to the logon protocol, one that is only sometimes required. If that's the case and the Netflix app on your box does not support that step correctly yet, it will simply fail and continue to "load". But again, this is just a best guess.


Why do some solutions seem to work?
IF this explanation is correct, it's really just a matter of repeating the process until it works. But for that, the Netflix app needs to be completely closed after every attempt. By default, it seems to remain active in the background and thus you are not actually starting a new login attempt every time you open it. Solutions like software updates or system reboots will obviously shut the app down. It's much easier, though, to just briefly open another app because it seems that only one app can remain active in the background at a time.


What can we do long-term?

Not much, really. Netflix and Sky (or whoever is developing the app itself) need to sort this out and probably roll out a patch. For that, they need to actually be aware it is happening.

I hope this is helpful to anyone. No guarantees about anything.

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Netflix is a very complex web of

microservices, some of which are being upgraded / tested with different customers at different versions. However, the basics of opening the app should just work for everyone and it's not happening on all kinds of user devices is it? Just on Q (at least as far as this thread has revealed)

This message was authored by MarkJ22 This message was authored by: MarkJ22

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

You would think Netflix would test out it's service with Sky wouldn't you?


Nah! Much to obvious to do that 😅😅😅😅

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MarkJ22 wrote:

You would think Netflix would test out it's service with Sky wouldn't you?


Nah! Much to obvious to do that 😅😅😅😅

I have just done it on their behalf and it worked. Showed list of profiles within 2 seconds. Happy to help 😉

This message was authored by MarkJ22 This message was authored by: MarkJ22

Re: Netflix on sky q will not load

Yes, many of us get the same from time to time but sadly it's not all the time and if you've just settled in to watch something and it won't load it's very frustrating.


Maybe, as you're a SUPERUSER you could bring your influence to bear in Sky to get this issue sorted out for the majority of us who have posted here and the many others out there with the same issue?


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