Discussion topic: Sky stream/glass Vs Sky Q for UFC

This message was authored by Th0mas1993 This message was authored by: Th0mas1993

Sky stream/glass Vs Sky Q for UFC

Been toying with the idea of going over to stream or glass from Q due to wanting the flexibility of having moving the TV around where i like, literally the only thing stopping me is whether or not the catch up abilities with UFC events whether they be PPVs or Fight night events or PPVs we get free are easy to get after they have been aired.

Been trying to monitor this over the last couple years since stream and glass have been launched but just want to hear from other people what their experience with this is like currently now. 

E.g how long after the event generally is it shown on catch up, which events are effected etc.

i always tend to record ones not in our timezone as having kids really doesnt make it easy to stay up to watch events or catch em at 3 in the morning etc.

Many thanks in advance


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